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Emergency Lighting Installation and Maintenance Services
in London and Haringey
Norm Electrical Engineering is Fully Napit trained and Approved installers on Emergency Lighting. We can test and maintain current emergency lighting installations for commercial properties, services offices, retail outlets and communal areas in residential blocks/apartments, as well as the design of emergency lighting systems for various applications
Our typical emergency lighting maintenance service involves the following:
An annual 3 hour drain down test
A routine periodic emergency lighting report.
A 1 hour Emergency lighting test at 6 monthly intervals.
Staff training for monthly emergency lighting flick test, which is required to ensure batteries and light fittings are operational.
To issue, set up and train staff members in how to use an emergency lighting log book.
Emergency Lighting is essential in the event of a fire or power failure, and enables customers, staff and visitors to find emergency escape routes and exits should the need arise

Why Choose Norm Electrical Engineering for Emergency Lighting Services?
Norm Electrical Engineering offers a complete emergency lighting service, taking the bulk of the responsibility away from businesses, estate agents and chartered surveyors alike. We offer annual emergency lighting packages, which offer on-hand expertise, cost savings and a professional service. Norm Electrical Engineering are Napit approved and our engineers are all trained and specialist emergency lighting technicians.
Norm Electrical Engineering are specialists in emergency lighting:
Fully Trained Napit & City and GuildsEmergency Lighting Installers
Fully Trained Napit engineers for emergency lighting maintenance
Norm Electrical Engineering is a Napit Approved Contractor & Ecs Gold Card Holder
Norm Electrical Engineering is an Registered Component Person Electrical & ECA
£5 million in public liability
What Happens on Annual Electrical Lighting Inspections?
1.What Happens on Annual Electrical Lighting Inspections?
Maintained fitting – will operate as a normal light fitting and be controlled with all the other lights in the area, however when the power fails the maintained emergency fitting will continue to operate but at a lower light level.
Non-maintained fitting – is normally switched off, with its batteries being continuously charged and a green LED indicator. When the power fails, the fitting switches on using its battery supply. Non-maintained fittings are not part of the general lighting but are fittings such as emergency exit signs.
Combined emergency luminaire - a luminaire containing two or more lamps, at least one of which is energised from the emergency lighting supply and the other(s) from the normal lighting supply. A combined emergency luminaire can be either maintained or non-maintained.
2. We identify what type of Emergency Lighting has been installed and where it’s needed
Emergency escape lighting - the part of an emergency lighting system that provides illumination for the safety of people leaving a location or attempting to terminate a potentially dangerous process beforehand. It is part of the fire safety provision of a building and a requirement of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
Standby lighting – the part of an emergency lighting system provided to enable normal activities to continue substantially unchanged. This guide does not include standby lighting as it is not a legal requirement and is a facility that may or may not be needed, depending on the use and occupancy of the premises, etc.
Emergency escape lighting is subdivided into escape route lighting, open area lighting and high risk task area lighting.
Escape route lighting – that part of an emergency escape lighting system provided to ensure that the means of escape can be effectively identified and safely used by occupants of the building.
Open area lighting (anti-panic lighting) – the part of an emergency escape lighting system provided to minimise panic and ensure there is sufficient illumination to allow the occupants of a building to reach a place where an escape route can be identified.
High risk task area lighting – the part of an emergency escape lighting system that provides illumination for the safety of people involved in a potentially dangerous process or situation and to enable suitable shut-down procedures for the safety of the operator and other occupants of the premises.
3. Undertake a full duration test
To test an emergency lighting system, it is important to simulate emergency conditions or mains failure on lighting and emergency lighting circuits. The idea of this is to activate the emergency lighting system to operate via the battery supply. This test can be carried out manually or automatically.
A full drain down test for the full rated duration of the emergency lights (e.g. 3 hours) must be carried out. The emergency lights must still be working at the end of this test. The result must be recorded in both an emergency log book and an emergency periodic inspection report and, if failures are detected, these must be remedied as soon as possible.

Fire Alarm & Smoke detectors Services/Installations
Fire safety is one of the key sections within the Building Regulations, which outlines the requirements needed to provide an early warning of fire, escape routes, preventing the spread of fire, and providing access to fire fighting facilities for the Fire and Rescue Services.
A Fire Alarm Certificate is a mandatory inspection and should be carried out in accordance with BS5839.
Emergency Lighting Services/Installations
They are required after an emergency light testing and inspection has been carried out at your property. Emergency Light testing is recommended by LAW in the UK for health and safety; the emergency light certificates must be held in a safe place as proof of compliance.

Pat Testing
A PAT testing certificate should be provided as a record of testing by the person(s) carrying out the tests. It forms a legal document that verifies all reasonable steps have been carried out to check for the electrical safety of all equipment, and can also detail the actual results for all tests carried out.
Help Minimise The Risk Of Electrocution, Electric Shock & Electrically-Initiated Fires.
Do I need to get a new electrical safety certificate every time a new tenant moves in?
The regulations specify that an electrical safety certificate will be valid for 5 years, or a shorter time frame if the inspector deems it necessary. This means that generally you should only need to get one certificate every five years and this certificate can be supplied to any new tenants during that period.
The Norm Electric has received a number of reports of EICRs stating that the report is valid for '5 years or until change of tenancy.' This is incorrect as the regulations require the tests are performed at regular specified intervals rather than being triggered by a change of tenancy. As a result, a change of tenancy should not invalidate an EICR.
The Norm Electric has raised this with MHCLG and the appropriate trade bodies to ensure that as many electricians as possible are aware of this. However, to avoid issues it is best you speak to the person providing the report to make sure they are aware of this.